The Department of Health and Human Services announced a new dress code that was to take effect on February 1. The dress code would have required all employees to wear business casual clothing Monday-Thursday regardless of their job duties or if they interfaced with the public.
NAPE filed a grievance and a demand to bargain last month. We threatened to file a prohibited practice charge with the Nebraska Commission on Industrial Relations if the State refused to negotiate with us. Even if you don’t work for DHHS, our legally protected right to bargain was at stake, and we were prepared to litigate this case on behalf of all of our members.
Because of our efforts, DHHS decided to rescind the new dress code and leave its current policy in place. This is a victory for all state employees! This is a victory because of you! You should be very proud.
2020 is a negotiations year, and this victory is a demonstration of what we can do together. We are in the process of growing and preparing to approach contract negotiations in a new way. Please get involved in our Join, Serve Lead campaign.
If you are not a member – now is the time to JOIN. You can join here.
If you are a member – now is the time to SERVE. Sign up for an upcoming steward training course or attend an upcoming meeting.
If you are already active – now is the time to LEAD. Nominate yourself to be a delegate to our bargaining conference.
We have so much more to accomplish together. Will you join us?