
Are you a retired state employee?

Even if you weren’t a NAPE member during your career, you are eligible for membership in our Retiree Chapter: AFSCME Chapter 161. Our retirees advocate for membership rights during retirement years and help support the NAPE mission. Retiree Chapter 161 meets every other month in Lincoln. Dues are just $24 for the entire year.

Membership Information

To receive membership information, please click here and fill out the form. We will contact you with more information.

Feel free to contact President Mike Zgud ( with questions.


It is the mission of the NAPE/AFSCME Retirees Chapter, through participation of retired Nebraska state, county and municipal employees to:

  1. Seek and advocate for the preservation and enhancement of our Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security benefits, as well as any state-level benefits which we worked hard to put in place.
  2. Lend active support to NAPE/AFSCME Local 61, as it organizes and works on behalf of working public employees in Nebraska
  3. Act to hold decision-makers accountable, as they represent retirees in both state and national government; and
  4. Promote solidarity with the broader labor movement in communities throughout our State.

We, the members of our Retirees Chapter pledge to work to enhance the quality of life of public employees/retirees, and pledge to organize to ensure that our values and interests are considered by our elected officials.


All retired persons who were members of AFSCME, or who would have been eligible for membership in AFSCME in the state of Nebraska, or who were Nebraska state employees, and the spouses of such retired persons are eligible for membership in this Retiree Chapter, subject to the requirements of the Constitution of the International Union.

  • Politicians are trying to cut our retirement benefits. Our union retirees will watch those elected officials, help to inform me, and actively represent my values and interests in state and local government, here in Nebraska.
  • AFSCME Advantage benefits are available to all Retiree Chapter Members. These benefits include but are not limited to: discounts on cell phones, tires, car rental, dental, vision and prescription savings, mortgages, insurance, credit card, and education benefits. For details and a complete list check the website: or call toll-free 800-588-0374.
  • Our retirees chapter provides support for Nebraska state, county, and municipal workers by actively supporting NAPE/AFSCME Local 61.
  • NAPE/AFSCME Retiree Local 161 works closely with the other Nebraska State AFL-CIO unions and the Nebraska Affiliate of the Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA) which represents their retirees, which broadens our base and enhances our power.

  • John F. Kennedy said: “Don’t ask what your country can do for you, but rather what YOU can do for your country.” We say: “Don’t just ask what our union can do for you, but rather ask ourselves what talents we might want to contribute to the NAPE/AFSCME Retiree Chapter.