
What is a steward?

A union steward is a worksite leader who is trained on our contract and the law to help assist fellow employees in the workplace. If you would like to become a union steward, sign up for an initial steward training class near you. In order to become a certified steward, members must take both a contract training class and a representation training class. The classes can be completed in any order. Current certified stewards are welcome to attend these classes for a refresher. There is no obligation to become a certified steward after taking the classes.

Do you have questions or need assistance at your worksite?

NAPE/AFSCME union stewards are colleagues who are knowledgeable about your contract and work rules. Stewards are available to help you with any workplace concerns. To find a steward at your worksite, please click the link below for a list of stewards sorted by agency and worksite.

If you can’t find a steward, please contact our office at 402-486-3911 or so we can assist you.