NAPE represents approximately 180 support staff employees at the Nebraska State College System on its three campuses in Chadron, Peru, and Wayne. After years of stagnation and complacency, NAPE has been organizing the support staff in order to grow membership and win improved wages and working conditions through contract negotiations.
The new State College contract that took effect on July 1 is the best in years, with wage increases for all employees, and double digit wage growth for nearly 60% of the staff. While new members have joined the union on all three campuses, growth at Chadron State College has been four fold!
New NAPE members at Chadron State recently attended a meeting to learn more about their rights under our new contract, and discussed our plans for contract negotiations next year. Goals were also set for continued membership growth on all three campuses. Similar meetings will take place in Wayne on August 24 and Peru on August 26. All state college support staff are welcome to attend.
If you aren’t yet a NAPE member, click here to join today!