The 2022 Bargaining Conference will be held in Lincoln on July 16 & 17, 2022. The Bargaining Conference is the official meeting of the union where elected member delegates determine our contract negotiations priorities. Additionally, delegates will elect eight members to serve our negotiations team at the Bargaining Conference.
In order to be eligible to be elected as a delegate to the bargaining conference, the member must be in good standing, have been a member for six months prior to the conference, and be a certified steward or take a steward training class prior to the conference. In order to be elected to the bargaining team, members must first be elected to the bargaining conference and have been a member in good standing for twelve months. If you are not currently a steward, but wish to run for election, there will be plenty of steward training opportunities between now and the Bargaining Conference. You can sign up for steward training by clicking here.
Members elected to the Bargaining Conference will have their travel and expenses to/from Lincoln reimbursed in accordance with the NAPE member travel policy. Members will elect 45 delegates to the bargaining conference. Members of the Board of Directors are automatic delegates and need not run for election. Members will be elected based on their bargaining unit (the first letter of their job classification). The breakdown of delegates is as follows:
Bargaining Unit A (Administrative Professional): 8 members
Bargaining Unit C (Social Services & Counseling): 11 members
Bargaining Unit E (Engineering, Science & Resources): 3 members
Bargaining Unit H (Health & Human Care Professional): 2 members
Bargaining Unit I (Health & Human Care Non-professional): 2 members
Bargaining Unit M (Maintenance, Technical & Trades): 9 members
Bargaining Unit S (Administrative Support): 7 members
Bargaining Unit X (Examining, Inspection & Licensing): 3 members
At the bargaining conference, the delegates will elect one member from each bargaining unit to form the negotiations team. Negotiations are conducted on paid work time in Lincoln. Members of the negotiations team will have their expenses and travel to Lincoln reimbursed in accordance with the NAPE member travel policy.
Nomination/Elections Timeline
Nominations for the bargaining conference are now being accepted. The deadline for nominations to be received is Noon on March 31, 2022. Any eligible NAPE member can nominate themselves or another eligible member. Nominations can be submitted online by clicking here.
Ballots will be mailed to all NAPE members on April 15, 2022 and must be postmarked no later than May 20, 2022. Results will be posted on the NAPE website no later than June 1, 2022. Delegates will be elected by a plurality of votes and those not elected will become alternate delegates in the order of the number of votes received. Where the number of nominees is equal to the number of delegates to be elected, the nominees will be declared elected without the need for an election.