NAPE is preparing for this years’ contract negotiations through our “Join, Serve, Lead” campaign. We are making an effort to meet with employees at various agencies to learn about what is important to you, and to discuss how we can all work together to make working for the State of Nebraska a better experience.
We would like to invite oCIO employees, regardless of NAPE membership status, to a meeting at the Miller Time Pub and Grill (inside the Cornhusker Marriott) on Thursday, February 27 from 5:30-6:30pm. NAPE will provide appetizers, snacks, and non-alcoholic beverages. A cash bar will be available.
At the meeting, we will discuss the negotiations process and how you can get involved. The NAPE contract has been negotiated with little involvement and input from oCIO employees in recent years. This needs to change, and we want your voice to be heard.
We hope to see you on February 27 at Miller Time! So we have enough food, we would love for you to RSVP by e-mailing or by calling 402-486-3911.