Nebraska Association
of Public Employees

Kearney Area Meeting

Chicken Coop - Kearney

Join us for our union meeting! This month, we will share the results of our 2024 contract negotiations survey. This meeting is open to NAPE/AFSCME members and non-members. Free pizza will be served.

Kearney Evening Town Hall

Chicken Coop - Kearney

NAPE/AFSCME members and non-members are invited to attend a Town Hall meeting. This is your chance to voice your negotiations priorities and discuss what you'd like to see in your next union contract! This meeting is open to all contract-covered employees, so bring a friend to attend the meeting with you.

AFSCME Convention Delegate Nomination Meeting

Chicken Coop - Kearney

Nominations for delegate to the 2024 AFSCME convention will be accepted at a nominating meeting in Kearney. Delegates may also be nominated until May 10 by clicking here.

Kearney Area Meeting

Chicken Coop - Kearney

Attend your local area meeting! This month, you will learn about how to get a pay raise through contract negotiations this fall. NAPE/AFSCME members and non-members are invited to attend. Free pizza will be served.

Kearney Area Union Meeting

Chicken Coop - Kearney

Join us for our union meeting. This month, we’ll talk about your rights during the annual performance evaluation process. We will also provide an update on remote work. Free pizza will be served. This meeting is open to members and non-members.

Kearney Area Meeting

Chicken Coop - Kearney

Join us for our monthly union meeting. This month’s training session will talk about your rights when you have a temporary or permanent disability. Free pizza will be served. This meeting is open to both members and non-members.

Kearney Area Meeting

Chicken Coop - Kearney

Join us for our monthly union meeting. This month's training session will talk about how to cover your bases when your performance expectations are unclear. Free pizza will be served. This meeting is open to both members and non-members.

Kearney Area Meeting

Chicken Coop - Kearney

Please join us for our area meeting. This month’s training topic will be the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and your rights when it comes to using leave due to illness or to care for a family member. This meeting is open to both members and non-members. Free pizza will be served.

Kearney Area Meeting

Chicken Coop - Kearney

Join us for our local area meeting. At this month's meeting we will be discussing employees rights and responsibilities regarding performance evaluations, including tips for navigating the process with your supervisor. All are welcome.

Kearney Area Meeting

Chicken Coop - Kearney

Join us for our local area meeting for an update on contract negotiations and other pertinent topics.

Kearney Area Meeting

Chicken Coop - Kearney

All state employees are invited to our union meeting. This month we will be introducing our contract negotiations team and going over our contract negotiations platform. Free pizza will be served.

Kearney Area Meeting

Chicken Coop - Kearney

Join us for our monthly union meeting. At this month's meeting we will be sharing the  results of our contract negotiations survey. The meeting is open to both members and non-members. Free pizza will be served.

Nebraska Association of
Public Employees