Nebraska Association
of Public Employees

1,600+ Petitions Delivered!

Please call Governor Ricketts’ office at 402-471-2244 and tell him that you support NAPE and state workers.

On April 15, NAPE leaders delivered nearly 1,700 petitions to Governor Ricketts’ office that members and concerned citizens submitted in the last five days demanding that State Employees be kept safe during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The petitions ask the governor to allow all state workers to work from home – if they are able, close local offices to the public while maintaining services by phone, and to pay a $2/hour shift differential as hazard pay for workers who must continue to report in person.

“Our office continues to be flooded with concerns from our members regarding the lack of social distancing in state office buildings, a lack of PPE and cleaning supplies, and arbitrary rules such as requiring 60% of the workforce to report in person,” said Justin Hubly, Executive Director of the union. “We are looking for a common sense solution that will keep everyone safe while maintaining the vital services our neighbors need.”

Chairperson of the union, Deb Strudl (DHHS – Lincoln), said, “Our members are struggling to even get a response from their HR departments on simple requests to work from home. Some of our members have to protect their health and the health of their family members. They would much rather be working from home than being forced to use sick or vacation leave when our fellow Nebraskans need them.” 

Members who work at 24 hour facilities such as our Veterans’ Homes, Regional Centers, and correctional institutions are under immense pressure to keep everyone safe. With confirmed Coronavirus cases at the Central Nebraska Veterans’ Home and YRTC-Kearney, these dedicated staff members are performing heroically to make sure the most vulnerable Nebraskans receive quality care. It is time they be recognized for their invaluable service.

The Governor has suggested that employees talk to their supervisors about their concerns. Unfortunately, those concerns are falling on deaf ears, so the union is appealing directly to Governor Ricketts.

Please call Governor Ricketts’ office at 402-471-2244 and tell him that you support NAPE and state workers. Be polite and direct. Demand we be kept safe!

Call your State Senator and tell them about your concerns. 

You can find your state senator by clicking here.

NAPE Executive Board Chairperson Deb Strudl (DHHS – Lincoln) delivers 1,600+ petitions to the Governor’s office in front of a large media contingent.
Nebraska Association of
Public Employees