In March, all NAPE members had the chance to vote to elect fellow members to the NAPE Board of Directors for the 2021-2023 term. The results are in, and the Election Committee is pleased to announce that the NAPE members below have been elected to the Board of Directors. No candidate received a majority of votes for Western Area Representative or the third At-Large Representative. A runoff election for those two seats will be conducted along with the Delegate Assembly Election in May.
2021-2023 Board of Directors
Officers (Term Expires August 15, 2021)
Chairperson – Deb Strudl (DHHS, Lincoln)
Vice Chairperson – Toni Bonsera (DHHS, Lincoln)
Secretary – Diane Laffin (History Nebraska, Lincoln)
Treasurer – Jay Jensen (NDOT, Omaha)
Sergeant-At-Arms – Jeff Gillett (DAS, Lincoln)
Area Representatives (7)
Northern Area – Brian Bierschenck (DHHS, Norfolk)
Southern Area – Robin Smith (DHHS, Kearney)
Eastern Area – Deanna Ewing (DHHS, Falls City)
Western Area – TBA: Run Off Election Candidates: Kelly Cole (DHHS, Broken Bow) and Jessica Collins (DHHS, Alliance)
Lincoln Area President – Anissa Rasmussen (Economic Development, Lincoln)
Lincoln Area Vice President – Lisa Steiner (DHHS, Lincoln)
Omaha Area President – John Heeren (NDOT, Omaha)
Agency Representatives (10)
DHHS – Melissa Haynes (Fremont)
DHHS – Denise Carpenter (Beatrice)
NDOT – Dave Hedrick (Norfolk)
State Agency – Brian Koch (Corrections, Lincoln)
State Agency – Rebecca Schademann (Economic Development, Lincoln)
State Agency – Elbert Traylor (Environment & Energy, Lincoln)
Department of Education – Deb Romanek (Lincoln)
State Colleges – Brandon Ziska (Wayne)
Richardson County – Bryan Dettmann (Falls City)
Supervisory – Ryan McKay (NDOT, Lincoln)
At-Large Representatives (3)
Lindsey Eads (Veterans’ Affairs, Kearney)
Scott Loos (Military, Lincoln)
TBA – Run off candidates: Tom Schmitz (Wayne State College) or Ralph Quick (Electrical Board, Nebraska City)
New Board members will be seated on June 5 in Lincoln. The five officer positions will continue to serve through August 15, 2021, when the delegates to the Biennial NAPE Delegate Assembly will elect officers for the 2021-2023 term. All NAPE members are welcome to observe Board of Directors meetings.