Nebraska Association
of Public Employees

Record Union Membership Growth Continues

NAPE/AFSCME kicked off our 2022 negotiations campaign, “Grow Stronger Together for a Better Contract,” in February with meetings around the state. Those meetings are continuing in March, including a virtual meeting open to all state employees on March 23 at 7pm central/6pm mountain. In the three months leading up to the start of our 2022 campaign, 268 state employees became new NAPE members. 

Members who attended our February meetings learned about the history and legal reasons why state employee pay has not kept pace with our private sector counterparts. Most importantly, those who attended our February meetings learned about our plans for contract negotiations in 2022 and why, now more than ever, it is important to be an active and engaged union member.  If you missed these meetings, you are encouraged to attend a virtual version of the meeting on March 23 by clicking here to register.

If you are not yet a NAPE member, please join us today! We need you to continue our record growth and to add your voice to the fight for a better contract. If you are a NAPE member, please consider becoming more involved. Sign up for a steward training class near you. Attend local meetings. Run to be a delegate to the 2022 Bargaining Conference. We are only as strong as our membership! 

If you have questions about union membership or getting more involved, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Nebraska Association of
Public Employees