In another victory for NAPE/AFSCME members, contract provisions that allow 24 hour facility workers at DHHS, NDCS, and NDVA facilities to be paid up to 2.5 times their normal rate of pay for overtime hours worked has been extended through June 2023.
These provisions include overtime hours worked at 24 hour facilities paid at double time (instead of time-and-a-half) and time worked in excess of a normal scheduled shift on a holiday to be paid at 2.5 times the normal rate of pay (instead of double time). These provisions were set to expire on June 30, 2022, however, when these provisions were originally negotiated, the state agreed to meet and re-negotiate the expiration date depending on the success of the initial agreement. We have seen the reduction of mandatory overtime assignments at many facilities this year thanks to this agreement.
We are excited for our members to have these important provisions extended for another year as we continue to see vacancies filled at our 24 hour facilities and the reliance on mandatory overtime lessen. We hope this extra incentive will continue to encourage members to volunteer for overtime assignments when they are necessary. We will enter negotiations for our next contract later this summer. We hope you will get involved in the process by attending upcoming union meetings either in person or virtually to make sure that your voice is heard. If you are not yet a NAPE/AFSCME member, please join us today and stand with us as we work together for better wages and working conditions across state government.