The NAPE/AFSCME Board of Directors held its regular quarterly meeting in Lincoln on October 14, 2023. The Board heard reports from standing committees and conducted regular business. Below are some of the items discussed and acted on by the Board.
The Membership Committee reported that our membership has continued to grow at a faster than expected rate after our successful summer organizing blitz. Our goal is to reach 3,000 members for the first time in our history before contract negotiations begin in September 2024. The committee reported that we are in sight of that goal and that we will accomplish it together.
Membership Rights
The Membership Rights Committee reported that we continue to have success in representing members in grievances and contractual disputes. The Committee presented a summary of important cases, including a summary of pending grievances. The Committee reported that we have another case headed to the State Personnel Board to deal with the two hour minimum call back pay decision from the District Court of Lancaster County.
Government Affairs
The Government Affairs Committee is getting organized to meet when the 2024 legislative session begins in January. Additionally, our lobbyists reported on the outlook for 2024 elections, especially in the Unicameral. Members who are interested in serving on the Government Affairs Committee can express their interest on our website here.
Stories In Action
Three NAPE members attended the AFSCME Stories in Action training in Minnesota and reported on their training experience. We will use their stories in upcoming social media posts.
AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention
Six NAPE/AFSCME members served as delegates to the Nebraska State AFL-CIO Constitution Convention and reported on the business that was transacted in Kearney in September including constitutional amendments.
2024 Bargaining Conference
The Board set the dates, requirements, and election procedures for the 2024 State Bargaining Conference. 40 delegates will be elected from Bargaining Units A, C, E, H, I, M, S, and X and will join the Executive Committee as delegates. The delegates will then elect 8 delegates to serve on the negotiations team along with the President and Vice President. The Bargaining Conference will take place July 26-28, 2024. All details will be shared with the membership in early 2024.
Budget Amendments
The Board made line item adjustments to our Fiscal Year 2024. The budget continues to be balanced for the sixth consecutive year.
Member Travel Policy
The Board updated the NAPE/AFSCME member travel policy to include a new section that gives the Executive Director discretion to approve or deny reimbursements for overnight travel to members who fail to notify NAPE/AFSCME of their inability to attend meetings where travel arrangements have been made.
2024 Organizing Plan
The Board reviewed a draft of our 2024 organizing plan and offered suggestions and edits. The plan was adopted by the Board and sets specific goals to have more than 3,000 members prior to the beginning of contract negotiations, and majority membership in the I Bargaining Unit, as well as among Social Services Workers and DMV Examiners.