The 2024 NAPE/AFSCME Bargaining Conference will take place July 27 & 28 in Lincoln. The Bargaining Conference is the biennial meeting of our union where elected member delegates determine our contract negotiations priorities. Members, delegates, and the Board of Directors submit proposals to the delegates who then choose what to prioritize when we go to the negotiations table this fall. Additionally, delegates elect eight fellow delegates to serve as members of the state contract negotiation team.
Members can nominate themselves or fellow union members to serve as delegates at the Bargaining Conference. These nominations must be received by Noon central time on March 29, 2024.
In order to be eligible to be an elected delegate, members must be in good standing and be a certified NAPE/AFSCME steward prior to April 8, 2024. Click here to sign up for steward training.
For more information on the 2024 NAPE/AFSCME Bargaining Conference, members can attend our webinar on March 18 at 7pm central. Click here to register in advance.
Our union is also kicking off the 3,000 Strong: United Together for Lunch campaign — the first step in our 2024 contract campaign that will serve as an opportunity for members and non-members to learn more about how they can be involved in negotiating the best possible contract this fall.