The NAPE/AFSCME Board of Directors held its regular quarterly meeting on June 8, 2024 in Lincoln. The Board heard reports from standing committees and conducted regular business. Below are some of the items discussed and acted on by the Board.
BOD Welcomes New Member
The Board appointed former board member Vicki Vosler (Game & Parks Commission, Ashland) to fill the unexpired term of a vacant State Agency Representative position. Vicki will serve until Spring 2025 when the seat is up for election.
Membership Growth Continues
The Membership Committee reported that union membership continues to grow at a rapid rate. We are now more than 3,200 members strong as we approach contract negotiations.
3,000 Strong: United Together – Negotiations Town Halls
The Board heard reports from NAPE/AFSCME staff about the progress of our 3,000 Strong: United Together contract negotiations town hall meetings. Turnout has been strong, and members have been actively discussing their contract priorities. The staff will have summary packets available to bargaining conference delegates in early July at the conclusion of the town hall meetings.
Legal Report
The Board heard a lengthy report on legal action that our union is engaged in to protect member rights. In addition to pending grievances, the Board heard about potential prohibited practice allegations that may be filed against the Nebraska Department of Education for refusing to negotiate over remote work, a Fair Labor Standards Act dispute at the Department of Corrections, and contract negotiations impasse at Richardson County. The Board also discussed our long term legal strategy.
Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
The Board had a second reading of the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 budget presented to the board by Treasurer Jay Jensen (NDOT, Omaha) and Executive Director Justin Hubly. The Board adopted the budget, which is balanced for the sixth consecutive year. The fiscal position of the union remains strong.
Eliminating Vacant Positions – Executive Order
The Board discussed the Governor’s Executive Order eliminating positions that have been vacant for more than 90 days. The board also discussed our response depending on what positions are actually eliminated and if the legislature is called back for a special session.
Fiscal Year 2025 Board Meetings
The Board set its Fiscal Year 2025 meeting schedule. The Board will meet on September 28, 2024, November 16, 2024, January 11, 2025, March 29, 2025 and May 31, 2025. The Board also discussed holding one of the spring meetings outside of Lincoln so members outside of the metro area could more easily observe the meeting.