Are you a union member interested in learning more about the Nebraska legislature and how legislation affects you as a state employee? If so, consider attending the Nebraska AFL-CIO Legislative Conference in Lincoln on March 5 & 6, 2025.
The Nebraska AFL-CIO Legislative Conference is an opportunity for union members from affiliate unions across Nebraska to come together to learn about the legislative process and advocate for worker rights. Members will participate in legislative workshops, have a reception with state senators, meet with their state senators, and lobby elected officials.
The conference will take place from 9:30am-5pm on March 5 and 8am-Noon on March 6. NAPE/AFSCME will cover the registration costs and the cost of a hotel if traveling from outside of Lincoln. Meals will be provided both days. Members will need to use vacation or comp time to be excused from work.
If you are interested in representing NAPE/AFSCME at the conference, please email to indicate your interest. Space is limited, so please indicate your interest as soon as possible, but no later than February 10.