Nebraska Association
of Public Employees

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our monthly union meeting. This month’s training session will talk about your rights when you have a temporary or permanent disability. Free pizza will be served. This meeting is open to both members and non-members.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our monthly union meeting. This month's training session will talk about how to cover your bases when your performance expectations are unclear. Free pizza will be served. This meeting is open to both members and non-members.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our monthly union meeting. At this meeting, we'll be discussing job classifications and the reclassification process. Our meeting is open to both NAPE members and non-members. Free pizza will be served.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our monthly union meeting. This month we will be discussing our step pay plan and how to calculate salary increases that take effect on July 1.

Omaha Steward Recertification


Current union stewards are invited to attend our 2023 recertification meeting. All stewards must complete a recertification prior to July 1 to maintain their certification. The recertification will begin immediately following our area union meeting. Stewards can also attend a virtual recertification on June 12 by clicking here to register.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our monthly union meeting. This month we will discuss public employees free speech rights including the use of social media. Free pizza will be served!

Omaha Area Meeting


Please join us for our area meeting. This month’s training topic will be the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and your rights when it comes to using leave due to illness or to care for a family member. This meeting is open to both members and non-members. Free pizza will be served.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our local area meeting. At this month's meeting we will be discussing employees rights and responsibilities regarding performance evaluations, including tips for navigating the process with your supervisor. All are welcome.

Omaha Area Meeting *Canceled Due To Weather*


All state employees are welcome to attend our local union meeting. This month's training topic will be union governance and upcoming union elections. Free pizza will be served.

Omaha Ratification Meeting


All NAPE/AFSCME contract covered employees are invited to attend a ratification meeting to learn the details of the historic tentative agreement that, if ratified, will increase wages between 10-27% during the next biennium. Only union members will be able to vote at the meeting. To become a member, click here.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for a local area union meeting for an important update on contract negotiations. Meetings are open to both members and non-members.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for a local area meeting for an update on contract negotiations and other pertinent topics. Meetings are open to both members and non-members.

Nebraska Association of
Public Employees