Nebraska Association
of Public Employees

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our local area meeting for an update on contract negotiations and other pertinent topics.

Omaha Area Meeting


All state employees are invited to our union meeting. This month we will be introducing our contract negotiations team and going over our contract negotiations platform. Free pizza will be served.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our monthly union meeting. Both members and non-members are welcome to attend. Free pizza will be served.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our monthly union meeting. At this month's meeting we will be sharing the  results of our contract negotiations survey. The meeting is open to both members and non-members. Free pizza will be served.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our monthly union meeting in Omaha!

Omaha Town Hall Meeting


All state employees are encouraged to attend a town hall meeting to discuss low pay, working conditions, and how we can grow stronger together to negotiate a better contract!

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our monthly membership meeting. We will be discussing how you can get involved in the contract negotiations process, as well as have a visit from candidates running for state legislature.

Omaha Area Meeting


Learn "how to get a pay raise" at this month's union meeting. Both members and non-members are invited to attend.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our local area meeting. Our January training topic is your rights surrounding performance evaluations. All state employees are welcome. Free pizza served!

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our monthly union meeting. All state employees are welcome. Free food will be served.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our union meeting! Both members and non-members are invited to attend.

Omaha Area Meeting


Join us for our monthly union meeting! Our training session will feature a presentation about your rights under the ADA and FMLA. Non-members are welcome to attend.

Nebraska Association of
Public Employees