The NAPE/AFSCME Board of Directors held its regularly scheduled quarterly meeting in Lincoln on November 13. The Board of Directors is comprised of 5 officers elected by the delegates to the biennial Delegate Assembly each odd numbered year and 20 representatives elected by the membership each odd numbered year.
At its November meeting, the Board appointed four NAPE members to vacant positions. Food Service Worker Vicki Vosler (Game & Parks, Ashland) was appointed to complete the unexpired term of Eastern Area Representative. Behavioral Health Practitioner IV Jessica Davis (DHHS, Lincoln) was appointed to complete the unexpired term of DHHS Representative. Revenue Agent Brandon Brown (Revenue, Lincoln) was appointed to complete the unexpired term of State Agency Representative. Social Services Worker Brianne Buslow (DHHS, Fremont) was appointed to complete the unexpired term of At-Large Representative.
In other business, the Board:
- Heard a report from the Membership committee reporting that NAPE has continued to post net membership growth in 2021, with our membership up over 65% in the last three years.
- Heard a report from the Membership Rights committee that grievance filings continue at a higher than normal rate, however, NAPE continues to prevail on behalf of our members in the majority of cases.
- Amended the Fiscal Year 2022 budget to include a small surplus due to increased membership growth.
- Approved our 2022 organizing plan. 2022 organizing will focus around contract negotiations and getting more employees involved in our union to negotiate an even better contract.
- Set the dates and election procedures for the 2022 Bargaining Conference. Nominations for delegates will be received from March 14-31, 2022. The election will be conducted by mail in April 2022, and the Bargaining Conference will meet in Lincoln on July 16 & 17, 2022.
- Affirmed that no member dues money will be spent on donations to political candidates, however, the BOD decided to solicit voluntary contributions from members to our political action committee ahead of the May 2022 primary election.
NAPE/AFSCME Board of Directors meetings are open to all NAPE members to observe. The next regular meeting will be held on Saturday, March 5, 2022 from 9am-3pm at NAPE Headquarters (1230 O Street, Suite 120, Lincoln).