Education & State Colleges Member Prepare For Contract Negotiations

Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) and Nebraska State College System (NSCS)  NAPE/AFSCME members will hold their respective bargaining conferences on Saturday, August 24 in Lincoln. Members are also invited to attend remotely by Zoom Video Conference. 

These bargaining conferences are the biennial meeting where union members decide what our priorities will be for contract negotiations. All NDE and NSCS NAPE/AFSCME members are invited to attend their respective bargaining conferences.

At the NDE conference, we will host a training where we will teach members about your rights under our current contract. Then, we will discuss and prioritize proposals that you want to see negotiated into our new contract. 

At the end of the conference, we will elect three members to serve on the negotiations team. Negotiations will begin in the fall and will be conducted during paid work time.

At the NSCS conference, members from Chadron State, Wayne State, and Peru State College will work collaboratively to discuss and vote on proposals that we want to see negotiated into our next contract. 

Members attending the conference will also elect six fellow members to serve on the negotiations team this fall. Negotiations will be conducted on paid work time.

NAPE will provide a hotel room on the evening of Friday, August 23 for any member who wishes to travel to Lincoln for the conference. Please RSVP by emailing no later than August 1. Lunch will be provided on August 24 for those attending in person.

For NDE OR NSCS members wishing to attend their respective conference via Zoom, please RSVP by emailing After doing so, you will receive a link to the video conference.

Both conferences will begin at 9am and we anticipate them lasting until early afternoon. We’re excited for a successful round of contract negotiations this fall and hope to see you at the bargaining conference in August!