State Contract Bargaining Conference To Take Place July 27-28

42 union members elected to serve as delegates to the 2024 State Bargaining Conference will meet in Lincoln on July 27 & 28. The NAPE/AFSCME Bargaining Conference is the biennial meeting of our union where elected member delegates determine our contract negotiations priorities. 

In May and June, more than 500 union members voiced their negotiations priorities at town hall meetings across the state. Thousands more participated in our negotiations survey. Some of the priorities consistently shared by union members include: pay raises greater than inflation, paid parental leave, additional sick leave payout, early retirement incentives, guaranteed remote work assignments, bilingual premium pay, and many more.

The delegates will consider all of the members’ shared priorities and decide what our negotiations priorities will be. The delegates will also elect members of our state negotiations team. Click here to view a list of delegates.

Members can attend a local union meeting in person or online in July and August to learn about our final negotiations priorities!
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