Pender Social Services Worker Prevails in Flex Time Grievance

NAPE/AFSCME member Cassie Grave, a Social Services Worker for the Department of Health and Human Services in Pender, prevailed in a grievance after her request to flex her schedule was unreasonably denied. 

Cassie requested to flex her schedule for one hour to attend an appointment. Her request was denied and she was not given a reason. 

Cassie is a union steward and knew that management was violating our contract by unreasonably denying her request to flex her schedule. Even after voicing this, her supervisor still denied it. Cassie did the right thing and contacted us right away. 

“I don’t mess around when stuff like this happens,” she said. “At a different job, I learned the hard way that Human Resources is there for the employer. Our union is there for the employees.”

Cassie knows that there’s often confusion about flex time, but she sees it as a valuable tool that allows SSWs to best serve their clients. 

“If I’m able to work an extra hour one day so that I can take an hour to attend an appointment another day instead of having to take leave, that’s more time that I can dedicate to serving my clients,” she said. “Missing a day or even a few hours sets me back, so being able to flex that time instead is really what’s best for our clients”

Cassie encourages her fellow State of Nebraska employees to familiarize themselves with their rights under our union contract and to reach out to a union steward if they have questions or concerns. 

“Being a part of our union and knowing your rights is a good thing,” she said. “It may cost a little money, but that’s your protection. And our union protects us more than a lot of people may realize.” 
If your leave request has been unreasonably denied, contact us right away.