The 2021-2023 NAPE Board of Directors was sworn in on June 5, 2021, in Lincoln. The NAPE Board of Directors is made up of 20 members elected by the membership and 5 officers elected by delegates to the biennial Delegate Assembly. You can find a listing of the Board of Directors members by clicking here.
After being sworn in, the new board got right down to business. Below is a summary of action taken by the board at its June 5, 2021 meeting:
- Treasurer Jay Jensen (NDOT – Omaha) reported that NAPE continues to have a budget surplus for Fiscal Year 2021 due to larger than expected membership growth. The fiscal year ends on June 30, and the books will be audited by auditing firm DeBoer & Associates in the fall.
- The Membership Committee reported that membership growth has continued to be strong, however, net membership growth has slowed in the spring and summer. While new members continue to join, more and more employees have left state government in the spring and summer. Turnover has been higher than normal since March 2021.
- The Membership Rights Committee reported that grievances continue to be filed at an above-average rate, and NAPE continues to prevail in an overwhelming number of cases. We have 4 cases pending arbitration hearings over the summer, and another 14 cases pending at earlier steps in the grievance process.
- The Board approved a two-year contract with the NAPE/AFSCME Staff Union which represents our full-time field staff.
- The Board approved a lease on new, larger office space for NAPE Headquarters. The Board authorized the Executive Director to execute a lease on space at 1230 O Street in Lincoln. Depending on construction and other factors, NAPE Headquarters will relocate to downtown Lincoln in late fall.
- The Board passed a balanced budget for Fiscal Year 2022. This represents the third year in a row of balanced budgets.
- The Board set its meeting schedule for Fiscal Year 2022. The Board will meet in Lincoln on Friday, August 13, Saturday, November 13, Saturday, March 5, and Saturday, June 11.
- The Board discussed potential bylaw changes to be introduced at the Delegate Assembly and directed the Executive Director to draft potential bylaw changes on the Board’s behalf.