The NAPE/AFSCME Board of Directors held its regular quarterly meeting on March 9, 2024 in Lincoln. The Board heard reports from standing committees and conducted regular business. Below are some of the items discussed and acted on by the Board.
Government Affairs Committee
The Board heard a lengthy report from the GAC regarding the interviews of legislative candidates. The GAC interviewed dozens of candidates and made recommendations to the BOD for endorsements. The BOD acted on the recommendations and endorsements can be viewed here. Summaries of all candidate interviews are published here.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee reported that our membership growth has continued at a rapid rate, with large membership growth through January. We are already 3,000 strong for contract negotiations and continue to grow at a faster-than-expected rate.
3,000 Strong: United Together for Lunch Campaign
The Board heard reports from NAPE/AFSCME staff about the kickoff of our 2024 contract campaign and our spring organizing campaign. Our 3,000 strong contract campaign had a strong first week with more than 100 members in attendance at two meetings. Town hall meetings will be conducted in May and June in cities and towns across Nebraska, as well as at worksites. We will conduct a mini-organizing blitz in late April/early May and we will host Volunteer Member Organizer training in April.
Legal Report
A lengthy report was given regarding our legal fight at the Commission of Industrial Relations regarding remote work. We expect a decision from the CIR in late April or early May. The Board also heard updates regarding a prohibited practice case filed on behalf of our members at the Richardson County Roads Department, as well as a Unit Clarification Petition filed by the Fraternal Order of Police.
Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
Treasurer Jay Jensen (NDOT, Omaha) and Executive Director Justin Hubly presented a first reading of a budget for fiscal year 2025. The draft budget is balanced for the sixth year in a row. The BOD is on track to meet its goal of having six months of operating expenses in reserve. The BOD offered feedback on various line items and will take a final reading and approve the FY25 budget in June in accordance with our bylaws.
AFSCME Convention Election Schedule
The BOD set a schedule for electing delegates to the AFSCME Delegate Assembly and Convention which will be held in Los Angeles in August. President Melissa Haynes (DHHS, Fremont) is an automatic delegate. NAPE will elect an additional six delegates later this spring.
The next regular Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 9am at NAPE/AFSCME headquarters in Lincoln. All Board meetings are open for members to observe.