NAPE/AFSCME support staff members at the Nebraska State College System have ratified a new labor contract containing a new salary schedule and additional sick/vacation leave. The contract was ratified unanimously with 73% voter turnout.
The new contract will take effect on July 1, 2023 and run through June 30, 2025. A new salary schedule is created with 10 steps in 3 year increments. Each step is 5% higher than the previous step. On July 1, 2023, NAPE/AFSCME members will see the minimum salary of their job classification increase by 4.5%. After that increase is applied, employees will be placed onto the new salary schedule based on their years of service. The 10% cap on annual salary increases is permanently eliminated.
On July 1, 2024, minimum salaries will increase by an additional 4.25%, and employees will advance an additional salary step if they pass a three year anniversary mark. In total, all NAPE/AFSCME members at the Nebraska State College System will see their salaries increase at least 8.75% over the biennium, while those passing an anniversary step will see more than 14%.
Other exciting contract changes include:
- Additional sick leave (up to 6 additional days with 10+ years of service)
- Additional vacation leave for all members (up to 5 additional days)
- Access to crisis leave for new parents
- Emergency responder leave for volunteer firefighters and EMTs
- No forced flexing of schedules to avoid overtime payment
- Additional pay for maintenance certifications
Additional details and more changes can be reviewed in the information packet above. Once signed, the final contract will be posted on our contracts page here. If you are not a NAPE/AFSCME member, please join us today and stand with us as we continue to negotiate for better wages and working conditions.