The NAPE/AFSCME Board of Directors held its regular quarterly meeting on January 6, 2024 in Lincoln. The Board heard reports from standing committees and conducted regular business. Below are some of the items discussed and acted on by the Board.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee reported that our membership growth has continued at a rapid rate, with large membership growth in November and December related to our remote work fight. Our goal is to reach a record high membership in 2024 and be 3,000 strong for contract negotiations.
Membership Rights Report
The Membership Rights Committee updated the board on a number of grievances pending to enforce our contract. NAPE/AFSCME filed 113 grievances in 2023 in order to protect our member’s rights. Our success rate continues to be above 90%. The Board heard about cases regarding on-call pay, overtime assignments, discipline, and more.
Recognition Committee
The newly formed recognition committee reported about its plans to recognize union members twice a year who make outstanding contributions not only at work, but also in their communities across Nebraska. This program will begin in the summer.
Treasurer’s Report/Audit
NAPE/AFSCME Treasurer Jay Jensen (NDOT – Omaha) submitted a report to the board showing a strong financial position for our union. Our budget remains balanced for the sixth year in a row. Additionally, our independent auditors from DeBoer and Associations presented their findings from our 2023 fiscal year audit. The audit was a clean audit and the auditors found that the financial statements presented to the board by NAPE/AFSCME management accurately portrayed the financial position of our union. The audit is available for inspection by the membership at NAPE/AFSCME headquarters in Lincoln.
Organizing Campaigns
The Board heard reports from NAPE/AFSCME staff and provided input and feedback regarding our 2024 contract campaign and our spring organizing campaign. Our 3,000 strong contract campaign will kick off in March with worksite visits throughout Nebraska at our largest worksites. Town hall meetings will be conducted in May and June in cities and towns across Nebraska, as well as at worksites. We will conduct a mini-organizing blitz in late April/early May and we will host Volunteer Member Organizer training in April.
Executive Director Justin Hubly reported to the Board that he met with DHHS Steve Corsi at the Board’s direction. The meeting was an opportunity for a formal introduction and to discuss concerns some members had regarding Dr. Corsi’s appointment. Mr. Hubly reported the meeting was positive and that he believes we can have a positive working relationship with Dr. Corsi that is built on mutual trust and open communication.
Legal Report
A lengthy report was given regarding our legal fight at the Commission of Industrial Relations and in District Court regarding remote work. The Board also heard updates regarding a prohibited practice case filed on behalf of our members at the Richardson County Roads Department, as well as a potential prohibited practice case regarding remote work at the Department of Education.
State Senators Lunch & Learn
Executive Director Hubly along with AFL-CIO President Sue Martin will present a lunch and learn meeting to Nebraska State Senators about the labor movement and unions. The goal is to give an overview about what a union is and our goals in the labor movement. All 49 Senators were invited to attend.
The next regular Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 9am at NAPE/AFSCME headquarters in Lincoln. All Board meetings are open for members to observe.