Nebraska Association
of Public Employees

Tell Congress: Fund the Front Lines

Click Here to Send a Letter to Your Member of Congress

Right now, front-line public service workers – health care workers, corrections officers, custodians and other public service workers – are putting their lives at risk to fight this pandemic. But if Congress doesn’t pass state and local aid, these public service workers could be thanked with a pink slip.

Tell Congress to do its part to fund the front lines and pass state and local aid for public services. Front-line public service workers are critical to fighting this pandemic and re-opening our economy. America can do neither if we lay them off.

Send a letter to your representatives and senators to demand that they fund the front lines so that we can fight the pandemic and re-open our economy. Public service workers are doing their part. Members of Congress need to do theirs.

Click Here to Send a Letter to Your Member of Congress

Nebraska Association of
Public Employees