For the first time since the State Employees Collective Bargaining Act was passed in 1987, the State of Nebraska agreed to enter mid-term bargaining with NAPE/AFSCME to negotiate wages and working conditions at state operated 24 hour facilities at the Department of Correctional Services, Department of Health & Human Services, and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.
While the parties initially agreed to only discuss 24/7 facilities, NAPE was able to negotiate the largest wage increase since 2007 for all NAPE contract covered employees. In addition to a step increase for satisfactory performance, all classifications will see at least a 2% increase to the classification minimum by July 1, 2022. In total, this will equate to a 3%+ salary increase.
At 24 hour facilities, beginning on November 8, all facility employees will see a $3/hour differential added to their salary for hours worked. Additionally, overtime hours worked between November 8, 2021-June 30, 2022 will be paid at double time.
Also included in the deal are classification minimum salary increases of 20% & 30% for over 65 job classifications. Employees in these classifications will retain their current step on the salary schedule after the minimum is adjusted upward.
There are also exciting changes to pay when temporarily assigned to work out of class, the ability to use sick leave for paternity leave, and additional paid leave for NAPE members who serve in the military and National Guard.
NAPE was able to accomplish this historic victory because of our active and growing membership. If you are not a NAPE member, join today! As we continue to grow, we turn our attention to organizing for more power during negotiations in 2022. This is only a first step in ensuring higher wages and better working conditions for state employees. NAPE members must become active in order to ensure continued success at the bargaining table.