In August 2023, our union set a goal of becoming 3,000 Strong: United Together before contract negotiations begin in September 2024.
With plenty of time to spare before we head to the bargaining table, we’ve met our goal and can now proudly say that our union is more than 3,000 members strong! State employees have seen the power of a strong union and have joined in record numbers in the past few months.
This accomplishment marks a record-high membership for NAPE/AFSCME Local 61. In September when we negotiate our new union contract, more than 3,000 union members will be standing together for the first time. That solidarity makes us strong and gives us more power to win better wages, benefits, and working conditions for State of Nebraska employees.
Our union has a plan for 2024 that is sure to foster continued growth in the coming months. This historic growth will indeed strengthen our position this fall, but record-high membership is about more than just negotiating good contracts — it’s also about standing in solidarity with one another every time a state employee’s rights are violated in the workplace. An injury to one is an injury to all, and NAPE/AFSCME union members have each others’ backs.
Being a union member means that you have a voice and can make meaningful changes in your workplace. If you’re not already a member, will you stand in solidarity with more than 3,000 of your fellow State of Nebraska employees and join us today?