NAPE/AFSCME member Marie Heimann is a Social Services Worker at the Fremont Customer...
Every two years, NAPE/AFSCME members elect delegates to serve at the biennial NAPE/AFSCME...
NAPE/AFSCME will host a Volunteer Member Organizer (VMO) training in Lincoln on Sunday,...
NAPE/AFSCME Member Jessica Low is a Social Services Worker at the Scottsbluff Customer...
Danny Menyweather is a Lead Child/Family Services Specialist for the State of Nebraska...
Eric McHargue is a NAPE/AFSCME member who works as a Senior IT Applications...
In March, NAPE/AFSCME members voted by mail to elect the 2023-2025 Board of...
NAPE/AFSCME members are invited to a member’s only webinar on Thursday, May 25...
In April, a group of NAPE/AFSCME members traveled to union headquarters in Lincoln...
NAPE/AFSCME Retirees Chapter 161 has continued to grow, just as NAPE/AFSCME membership has...
NAPE/AFSCME represents around 100 workers at the DHHS Customer Service Center in Scottsbluff....
Breanna Hemphill is a Child/Family Services Specialist and is a member of our...
NAPE/AFSCME member Amanda Chipman works for the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services as...
The NAPE/AFSCME Elections Committee (Mike Zgud – DHHS Retired, Chair) has counted the...
NAPE/AFSCME member Traci Burrell is a Social Service Worker at the DHHS local...
NAPE/AFSCME member Nicole Egan is a Program Specialist for the Department of Health...
The election of members to the NAPE/AFSCME Local 61 Biennial Delegate Assembly will...
The NAPE/AFSCME Government Affairs Committee has been monitoring legislation during the current legislative...
NAPE/AFSCME will host a Volunteer Member Organizer (VMO) training in Lincoln on Saturday,...
Sean Vilmont is a Senior Highway Maintenance Worker for the Nebraska Department of...