NAPE/AFSCME union members are dedicated public servants who help better their communities and...
It’s important that NAPE/AFSCME union members know their rights on the job. In...
A union steward is a worksite leader who is trained on our contract...
NAPE/AFSCME Local 61 will host our 26th Biennial Delegate Assembly and Convention in...
The Nebraska State AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention will be held on September 22 and...
NAPE/AFSCME member Brendan Patti was recently reinstated with full back pay and benefits...
From July 17-26 NAPE/AFSCME Volunteer Member Organizers (VMOs) will travel all around Nebraska,...
On June 10, twenty board members were sworn in for the 2023-2025 term...
There are a number of changes to our State of Nebraska labor contract...
When management ignores or violates our contract, we use our negotiated grievance procedure...
Employees at the Transportation Services Bureau office in Lincoln have had concerns about...
This summer, the NAPE/AFSCME team is saying goodbye to two of our Field...
Two new employees recently joined the NAPE/AFSCME team. Chris Morton is coming on...
Every two years, delegates to the Biennial NAPE Delegate Assembly consider amendments to...
The Nebraska State AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention takes place every other year. Affiliated unions,...
As our 50th anniversary year comes to a close, NAPE/AFSCME union membership is...
Highway Maintenance Crew Chief Matt Husted is a NAPE/AFSCME member who works for...
Kathy Holdsworth is a DHHS employee who has dedicated over 30 years to...
NAPE/AFSCME member Dominic Hatch is a Motor Vehicle Examiner for the Department of...
NAPE/AFSCME member Tara Rasmussen is a Disability Services Specialist at the DHHS Local...
Each year, the Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services celebrates the winners...