Mid-term contract negotiations with the State of Nebraska are underway to address wages...
On September 15, 2021, the Judiciary Committee of the Nebraska Legislature held a...
The key to any strong, effective union is our steward system. Stewards play...
Saint Francis Ministries, a Kansas-based non-profit, holds a contract to provide services for...
NAPE members are invited to attend a webinar on Tuesday, October 26 at...
Governor Ricketts and the State of Nebraska have agreed to enter into mid-term...
Our new NAPE contract provides requirements and guidelines for employee performance evaluations. This...
NAPE’s Biennial Delegate Assembly was held on August 13-15, 2021 at the Courtyard...
In July 2021, NAPE Member and Social Services Worker Terry Texidor-Battle was summoned...
NAPE member and Western Nebraska Veterans’ Home Registered Nurse Rachel Krul had her...
After the election of Melissa Haynes (DHHS, Fremont) as Chairperson and Brian Koch...
Union members elected by their fellow union members as delegates convened in Lincoln...
No state employee should ever be disciplined for an unavoidable accident. Alliance based...
NAPE Member Blayne Glissman works as an Environmental Quality Program Specialist II for...
Our NAPE contract allows the State of Nebraska to offer incentive bonuses to...
NAPE represents approximately 180 support staff employees at the Nebraska State College System...
NAPE member Tracy Mischke works as a Drivers Licensing Examiner for the DMV...
NAPE Member and Steward Evelyn Springer has recently retired after 52 years of...
The NAPE Biennial Delegate Assembly will convene in Lincoln from August 13-15. Over...
In February 2020, NAPE won a case in binding arbitration after a grievance...
DAS State Personnel (Classification and Compensation Division) reclassified nearly 1,600 state employees into...